22 12, 2023

2024 Handgun of the Year: American Rifleman Golden Bullseye Award


EAA Corp proudly announces the triumphant win of the American Rifleman’s 2024 Golden Bullseye Award for Handgun of the Year. The coveted accolade recognizes EAA’s commitment to innovation and excellence in firearm design.

The winning masterpiece, the Girsan High Power™ MCP35 OPS, represents a fusion of tradition and modernity at […]

2024 Handgun of the Year: American Rifleman Golden Bullseye Award2024-01-26T14:59:35+00:00
30 11, 2023

Gun Review: Guns.com on Girsan High Power™ Lightweight


Guns.com, written by Chris Eger, reviews our latest and most feature driven Girsan High Power™ to date! The EAA/Girsan High Power™ MCP35 PI LW is up to 1/2lb lighter than the traditional Girsan High Power™ and is available in 9mm, in our PI series. These pistols come optic ready, […]

Gun Review: Guns.com on Girsan High Power™ Lightweight2024-01-26T14:59:35+00:00
25 10, 2023

Gun Review: RECOIL Magazine report on the Girsan High Power™ Light-Weight


RECOIL Magazine review on the lightest Girsan High Power™ to date. The MCP35PILW OPS comes on an alluminum frame, making the overall weight of the pistol 1.34lbs. With a full spectrum of features such as: Accessory Rail (OPS version), Optics Ready (RMS/RMSc), Extended Beavertail, Flat Faced Trigger, Fiber Optic […]

Gun Review: RECOIL Magazine report on the Girsan High Power™ Light-Weight2024-01-26T14:59:35+00:00
