EAACorp is going to display a video of Rob giving a free gun handling lesson and go into detail about Rob’s tips and tricks. EAA is proud to sponsor Rob Epifania of Systematic Performance Concepts Inc. for his excellent educational training courses and videos. He has a passion for shooting and helping others with their marksmanship. He covers topics such as recoil, reloading, aiming, cadence, accuracy, gripping, and more. Please check out Grand Master Rob Epifania at his website: robepifania.net to learn more and get advanced coaching from Rob himself.
Effective Drawing and Control
In this free gun handling lesson, Rob goes over how to draw a handgun in the most effective way possible. First, he starts by explaining the “presentation process,” which is a method for correctly gripping the firearm to be able to shoot quickly and with as little recoil as possible. The process includes: fingers, palm pressure, and leverage. By using this process, it’s possible to acquire a stronger grip on the gun allowing for the gun to be ready to fire right away, instead of having to re-check your hold on the grip. Also, be sure to pay close attention to his hands as he demonstrates proper handling in this excellent tutorial.
Click this link: EAA Free Lessons for 2 additional free gun handling lessons from Rob to boost your marksmanship skills!

Every expert has a way of gripping the gun. The best way is the one that works for you. In the last 5 days I must have seen 5 different ways, being I have been carrying for 50 years, I know what works for me, if I didn’t I wouldn’t be here.